Autotest is a framework for fully automated testing. It is designed primarily to test the Linux kernel, though it is useful for many other functions such as qualifying new hardware. It's an open-source project under the GPL and is used and developed by a number of organizations, including Google, IBM, Red Hat, and many others.
Please check Avocado, a next generation test automation framework being developed by several of the original Autotest team members.
Show me the code is what they say. Browse Autotest source code, and navigate through the project's commits.
Whether you're having trouble getting started, or the tests have a defect, make sure you report the problems to us.
Discover how to get started, how to write new tests and how to contribute with Autotest, using the sphinx docs generated from source.
Download tarballs or zipfiles straight from the version control tags, so you can start working with Autotest straight away.